Artificial Insemination

We perform several different types of artificial insemination in
bitches. First, is the traditional vaginal method; where
fresh semen is placed in the
vagina next to the cervix using a pipette. Next, is surgical artificial
insemination. Our veterinarians place semen directly into the uterus via a
small abdominal incision. This method is used for insemination with chilled or
frozen semen.
Pregnancy Diagnosis

This is accomplished with two main methods. Pregnancy can be
detected earliest using an ultrasound. We typically
ultrasound around 30 days
gestation. This allows for the best viewing of fetuses present and can also
allow for viewing of fetal heartbeats.
For later detection of pregnancy, radiographs can be done after 45
days of gestation. This method gives the most accurate puppy count.
Semen Collection And Evaluation

This service allows us to collect semen for artificial insemination
and then evaluate the quality of the collected semen.
Semen is evaluated for
color, volume, concentration, motility, and morphological
Semen Freezing And Storage

We are pleased to offer this service to stud dog owners who would
like to preserve breeding doses of semen for future use.
To accomplish this,
semen is collected and evaluated for quality. Then, we freeze the collection
using proven extenders for maximum viability of thawed semen.
Straws of semen obtained can then be stored on-site for years in
liquid nitrogen. We are also able to offer shipping of collected and frozen
semen across the United States.
*This requires a consultation with our reproductive technician prior
to scheduling this procedure